In any case, my mind flipped back to this good read that my friend Taylor recommended, my mom bought me for Christmas last year, I read in the space of two days, and when spring came around what did I do?
I left it in Germany. What was I thinking?
Well I think I was thinking, "I won't want to read this again and no one is going to want to read this easy book in college." I wish I had it now for mindless skimming. Hopefully, I didn't give it away. hopefully it's just sitting in an attic in Kandern.
A similar experience: first semester, I was looking all over for my blue sweater. When I couldn't find it, I figured I'd left it on the East Coast. No big deal, I'd get it at Christmas. Got home for Christmas, headed to my "storage suitcase".... it wasn't there.
My ideal lazy day blue men's sweater from H&M. Gone. Also, hoping it's in the attic but, unlike a book which I may have stored no matter how paper-backy it was, I probably gave this one away. If only I could remember who I had given it to so I could rest assured in the knowledge that it was being loved!
Like my prized umbrella, now residing with dear friends. Or my fake letterman jacket, with two girls who borrowed it all the time and looked way cooler in it anyway. Besides, they're still in high school. Let them enjoy it.
Almost everything else in that photo came with me. Even the necklace you can barely see. That book too, I even have two copies. It's my favorite.
That alarm clock is in storage. I got it for my fifth birthday. This is the first time it has not sat ticking away in my room, lulling me to sleep.
But I knew it would annoy a roommate.
So you make sacrifices, you sustain some loses, you have a few regrets. But that's moving and that's life. It rolls right on.
Maybe the library has a copy of that book.
ah katja. i like this one :) and i hope you find that fuzzy blue sweater