Tonight we went to Julia's concert instead of to home group, which was a bummer because home group is amazing but awesome because the concert was amazing.
Julia is in One Voice (if you go to UMHB and you haven't taken the time to see them, you're missing out). She had a solo tonight, something that's pretty awesome for a freshman. She's the only one in our little tight group who is not a nursing major, but we still love her (wink wink) and she's in the music department.
At one part Julia was singing out and Kat grabbed my hand because she was so wrapped up. I looked over at Sarah and she was just staring at Julia and nodding really fast. Julia was just beaming at the audience.
There is so much love between our friends. I'm just so glad we were there, appreciating each other and engaging in life.
Freshman year is almost over. It's just been an insane ride. Sure I've been homesick, but I absolutely love it here.
I'm thinking about the seniors back at my high school in Germany and how pretty soon they'll have their own new beginning. Mine feels like such a short time ago. How a year does fly!
But a year brings healing and new beginning and new growth. I've experienced things I never thought I would.
Have hope in new beginnings friends. They're not reserved for New Years. They're for all the time. Embrace them.
No picture tonight. Just look around you and enjoy what you've been given.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Guys, summer overalls anyone? For the beach?
If I even go to the beach that is... the pool? picnics? life?
I cannot wait for summer.
Overalls kind off went of my radar for a while. "Too childish!" I said.
But now... I'm changing my mind.
These first ones are my favorites.

Yeah I'm difinitely going to be thrift store hunting for a pair this summer. Happy days.
Hurry Summer!
PS:I cannot believe I said I cannot wait for summer. It's a first for me. Yay!
PPS: Did anyone watch Psych tonight?
If I even go to the beach that is... the pool? picnics? life?
I cannot wait for summer.
Overalls kind off went of my radar for a while. "Too childish!" I said.
But now... I'm changing my mind.
These first ones are my favorites.
Yeah I'm difinitely going to be thrift store hunting for a pair this summer. Happy days.
Hurry Summer!
PS:I cannot believe I said I cannot wait for summer. It's a first for me. Yay!
PPS: Did anyone watch Psych tonight?
Monday, February 25, 2013
So I know the title isn't exhilarating, but the weather today was un-be-lie-va-ble; unbelievable. Period.
[I guess it was yesterday since it's so late now, but same deal.]
First there was the fact that it rained last night and I spent the morning wearing my galoshes before switching to sunglasses just before lunch (flats for the feet, sunglasses for the face).
Then there was the wind. My chief aim with the sunglasses was actually to keep dust from my eyes as it was whipped up, along with some pebbles, all over campus in dangerous looking puffs from the construction site. At first I thought it was just the European side of myself that was a little freaked out, but then there was talk from the Texans about things like tornado season and I felt way less out of it, but a little more freaked out. Everyone was having a collective weather complaining day. So let's recap it.
In the morning a girl was nearly knocked over by the wind while holding a door for me. I spent the rest of the day sporadically battling that same door so that it wouldn't shut on my as I traveled in and out of the building.
There were many complaints that it was hard to run against the wind, whether from people running late or just running to go running. (Though why you'd run in this weather...)
As we emerged from the sub after lunch, Julia was reminded that she wanted to tell us about other weather issues all over Texas but had to shout to be heard over the force of the wind. This resulted in the rather ironic "THERE'S A BLIZZARD IN LUBBOCK Y'ALL!" I looked that up. There are definitely blizzard warnings.
Then I traversed the quad. Everyone was ducking between buildings and dust clouds were coming at us. I could have sworn all the trees turned into whomping willows and horrible visions of branches snapping off and knocking me unconscious clouded my thoughts, until I reached the safety of my dorm.
It is now freezing out. There are rumors of snow in Waco. What is happening? Has winter actually come to Texas?
Before my roommate had gone out today she asked me "so is a cold front coming in?" Yes dear, I think yes is a safe answer.
[I guess it was yesterday since it's so late now, but same deal.]
First there was the fact that it rained last night and I spent the morning wearing my galoshes before switching to sunglasses just before lunch (flats for the feet, sunglasses for the face).
Then there was the wind. My chief aim with the sunglasses was actually to keep dust from my eyes as it was whipped up, along with some pebbles, all over campus in dangerous looking puffs from the construction site. At first I thought it was just the European side of myself that was a little freaked out, but then there was talk from the Texans about things like tornado season and I felt way less out of it, but a little more freaked out. Everyone was having a collective weather complaining day. So let's recap it.
In the morning a girl was nearly knocked over by the wind while holding a door for me. I spent the rest of the day sporadically battling that same door so that it wouldn't shut on my as I traveled in and out of the building.
There were many complaints that it was hard to run against the wind, whether from people running late or just running to go running. (Though why you'd run in this weather...)
As we emerged from the sub after lunch, Julia was reminded that she wanted to tell us about other weather issues all over Texas but had to shout to be heard over the force of the wind. This resulted in the rather ironic "THERE'S A BLIZZARD IN LUBBOCK Y'ALL!" I looked that up. There are definitely blizzard warnings.
Then I traversed the quad. Everyone was ducking between buildings and dust clouds were coming at us. I could have sworn all the trees turned into whomping willows and horrible visions of branches snapping off and knocking me unconscious clouded my thoughts, until I reached the safety of my dorm.
It is now freezing out. There are rumors of snow in Waco. What is happening? Has winter actually come to Texas?
Saturday, February 23, 2013
I'm tired. I've been trying to think of what to post for quite a bit now but it's just not bubbling to the surface.
I can't believe I'm even awake just now. Masterpiece was amazing. I already want to go back next year.
But first, I need time to process it all.
I'm sure all you sensible people are asleep, so that's where I'm headed.
Goodnight dears.
I can't believe I'm even awake just now. Masterpiece was amazing. I already want to go back next year.
But first, I need time to process it all.
I'm sure all you sensible people are asleep, so that's where I'm headed.
Goodnight dears.
Friday, February 22, 2013
I'm off to College Station for the weekend once again! Adventure is streaming through my veins.
Yeah, basically: girls weekend! We're going to a conference called Masterpiece, where my friend Kat will be dancing! Such fun.
We are staying at Kat's house and bringing down about ten of us and it's going to be the best thing ever! As I've mentioned, it's a wonderland.
We're going to repeat the cake and maybe take a better picture this time... maybe?
So off we go adventuring!
PS: I don't actually own any of these little pouches but I think they are fantastic and perfect for adventures.
They also look fairly easy to make... possibility or another Pinterest project begging to be left unfinished?
Yeah, basically: girls weekend! We're going to a conference called Masterpiece, where my friend Kat will be dancing! Such fun.
We are staying at Kat's house and bringing down about ten of us and it's going to be the best thing ever! As I've mentioned, it's a wonderland.
We're going to repeat the cake and maybe take a better picture this time... maybe?
So off we go adventuring!
PS: I don't actually own any of these little pouches but I think they are fantastic and perfect for adventures.
They also look fairly easy to make... possibility or another Pinterest project begging to be left unfinished?
Thursday, February 21, 2013
When I was a child, we would drive down to the lake. We'd walk through the park. We'd feed the ducks, and we would feed the swans.
Aren't swans just lovely? They make me want to dance ballet.
I'd sit there and watch all the birds fighting for my crumbs and imagine their arguments. The ducks were loud and obnoxious, but swans are rather above it all. Their tone is lofty. They cannot be touched by life.
PS: today I was inspired by this article. Check it out, maybe follow the trail of links to some beautiful things.
Aren't swans just lovely? They make me want to dance ballet.
I'd sit there and watch all the birds fighting for my crumbs and imagine their arguments. The ducks were loud and obnoxious, but swans are rather above it all. Their tone is lofty. They cannot be touched by life.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
It rained that day.
Today it's raining. I'm throwing open the blinds and drinking chai tea.
I'm going to revel in the grey cloud hugging the earth and wonder at the wind kissing the trees.
I'm probably going to listen to this song about twenty-five times in a row.
Many people around campus are out in coats and jackets and hats. It makes me chuckle a little. Maybe I'll throw on some galoshes for the fun of it. Maybe not.
I want to have this record that I was completely and utterly happy on this morning. My homework was nearly done. The chapel speaker sounded promising, though I hadn't gone yet. I had salt and vinegar chips and a PB&J for lunch, like a little kid. It rained that day.
It was glorious.
I'm going to revel in the grey cloud hugging the earth and wonder at the wind kissing the trees.
I'm probably going to listen to this song about twenty-five times in a row.
Many people around campus are out in coats and jackets and hats. It makes me chuckle a little. Maybe I'll throw on some galoshes for the fun of it. Maybe not.
I want to have this record that I was completely and utterly happy on this morning. My homework was nearly done. The chapel speaker sounded promising, though I hadn't gone yet. I had salt and vinegar chips and a PB&J for lunch, like a little kid. It rained that day.
It was glorious.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
I saw this was inspired by this list over a year ago and just found it again in a post on the cute blog sho & tell.
Do you feel inspired?
PS: Maybe we need a list of good foreign films? Let's research. Anyone have suggestions?
Do you feel inspired?
PS: Maybe we need a list of good foreign films? Let's research. Anyone have suggestions?
Monday, February 18, 2013
Attic Hopes
Today I was sitting at work thinking of good reads I've had over the past year or so and wishing I had a good mindless read to take my mind off piling assignments. I have the horrible tendency to increase my procrastination as stress increases. Apparently it's my reaction to stress. It's not very helpful.
In any case, my mind flipped back to this good read that my friend Taylor recommended, my mom bought me for Christmas last year, I read in the space of two days, and when spring came around what did I do?
I left it in Germany. What was I thinking?
Well I think I was thinking, "I won't want to read this again and no one is going to want to read this easy book in college." I wish I had it now for mindless skimming. Hopefully, I didn't give it away. hopefully it's just sitting in an attic in Kandern.
A similar experience: first semester, I was looking all over for my blue sweater. When I couldn't find it, I figured I'd left it on the East Coast. No big deal, I'd get it at Christmas. Got home for Christmas, headed to my "storage suitcase".... it wasn't there.
My ideal lazy day blue men's sweater from H&M. Gone. Also, hoping it's in the attic but, unlike a book which I may have stored no matter how paper-backy it was, I probably gave this one away. If only I could remember who I had given it to so I could rest assured in the knowledge that it was being loved!
Like my prized umbrella, now residing with dear friends. Or my fake letterman jacket, with two girls who borrowed it all the time and looked way cooler in it anyway. Besides, they're still in high school. Let them enjoy it.
Almost everything else in that photo came with me. Even the necklace you can barely see. That book too, I even have two copies. It's my favorite.
That alarm clock is in storage. I got it for my fifth birthday. This is the first time it has not sat ticking away in my room, lulling me to sleep.
But I knew it would annoy a roommate.
So you make sacrifices, you sustain some loses, you have a few regrets. But that's moving and that's life. It rolls right on.
Maybe the library has a copy of that book.
In any case, my mind flipped back to this good read that my friend Taylor recommended, my mom bought me for Christmas last year, I read in the space of two days, and when spring came around what did I do?
I left it in Germany. What was I thinking?
Well I think I was thinking, "I won't want to read this again and no one is going to want to read this easy book in college." I wish I had it now for mindless skimming. Hopefully, I didn't give it away. hopefully it's just sitting in an attic in Kandern.
A similar experience: first semester, I was looking all over for my blue sweater. When I couldn't find it, I figured I'd left it on the East Coast. No big deal, I'd get it at Christmas. Got home for Christmas, headed to my "storage suitcase".... it wasn't there.
My ideal lazy day blue men's sweater from H&M. Gone. Also, hoping it's in the attic but, unlike a book which I may have stored no matter how paper-backy it was, I probably gave this one away. If only I could remember who I had given it to so I could rest assured in the knowledge that it was being loved!
Like my prized umbrella, now residing with dear friends. Or my fake letterman jacket, with two girls who borrowed it all the time and looked way cooler in it anyway. Besides, they're still in high school. Let them enjoy it.
Almost everything else in that photo came with me. Even the necklace you can barely see. That book too, I even have two copies. It's my favorite.
That alarm clock is in storage. I got it for my fifth birthday. This is the first time it has not sat ticking away in my room, lulling me to sleep.
But I knew it would annoy a roommate.
So you make sacrifices, you sustain some loses, you have a few regrets. But that's moving and that's life. It rolls right on.
Maybe the library has a copy of that book.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Lately I've been practically dreaming of painting. I've had no time.
On friday, I stole away my own afternoon. Instead of doing anything productive I just drank tea and painted a picture of my cup. Then I painted in color on a picture I had doodled while at work.
Right now I'm writing an english essay on Romanticism. It's my favorite period of literature and I'm actually enjoying rereading "The Tables Turned" by Wordsworth every three minutes.... but I'm still wishing I didn't have any notes to go over and I could just paint.
Sounds lovely, no?
On friday, I stole away my own afternoon. Instead of doing anything productive I just drank tea and painted a picture of my cup. Then I painted in color on a picture I had doodled while at work.
Right now I'm writing an english essay on Romanticism. It's my favorite period of literature and I'm actually enjoying rereading "The Tables Turned" by Wordsworth every three minutes.... but I'm still wishing I didn't have any notes to go over and I could just paint.
Sounds lovely, no?
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tonight I'm feeling a little homesick. I made the [mistake?] of looking at pictures of home and watching MK videos about transition with people I know in them. Last week I made a speech about being a TCK (if you don't know what that is here's a definition) for my speech class. I said that I don't think home is a place, but an ever growing list of the people and places you've loved. It's just hard to remind myself that one day "here" will be on that list.
Ah well. It'll all come together in heaven.
For now here is a lovely, rather abstract painting by August Macke of a street near one of my old houses... still a home of my heart.
Monday, February 11, 2013
No one had good advice for me yesterday... so we took a study break to entertain. Can you do the skinny tongue?
Here's FAT and (skinny) tongue
Here's FAT and (skinny) tongue
Sunday, February 10, 2013
This weekend has been slow. This week is going to be crazy. Why does this always seem to happen?
Maybe it just feels that way. Hopefully I can master the usual procrastination and get everything done swiftly and well.
Anyone know a good way to master procrastination?
Maybe it just feels that way. Hopefully I can master the usual procrastination and get everything done swiftly and well.
Anyone know a good way to master procrastination?
Thursday, February 7, 2013
He is such a fantastic spinner of tales. If you haven't listened to at least a handful I strongly encourage you too.
He's just captured tragedy, beauty, and power so well.
It's funny that he chose this as his topic because i've been recently obsessed with whales, drawing them on my envelopes and pinning them all over my Pinterest. (Here's one of my letters.)
They're just such majestic, yet vulnerable creatures. They send haunting music floating across the depths and offer magical sighting experiences.
Save the whales everyone! That's all I have to say on the subject. Talk to me about it when I'm feeling less hipster.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Hello February
I love new months. They're so clean and fresh. I also really like Februaries. They've always been basketball months, walking in the cold months, drink tea and hide in the yellow glow of the house months.
Except this year. This year Texas is bringing me spring. But you know what? I'm ok with that. It's totally alright. Bring on the crisp sunny days. I've got my arms wide open.
PS: How are you winter resolutions going?
Except this year. This year Texas is bringing me spring. But you know what? I'm ok with that. It's totally alright. Bring on the crisp sunny days. I've got my arms wide open.
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